Correcting process started


So last weekend I started transcribing the corrections of A-Gen 2. So far so good I’m on chapter 5. And one person will be testing the chapters while I do them so that’s double work done 🙂

Also, if anyone has read A-Gen‘s book, please tell me. I’m eager to hear what do you think. Those that tell me about it in here or either goodreads, will receive a special limited present for free.

Don’t miss your chance!


I’m back


Back from my long vacation. I don’t feel like going to work tomorrow…

Also I finished editing the A-Gen 2 chapters, just need to transcript them. I guess I will write more chapters after it.

Happy Holidays!


All books have been sent and I just hope they get on time before Christmas for everyone to enjoy them 🙂
I’m already at my boyfriend’s house enjoying a sea of homemade cookies that will make my belly hurt. I’m a cookie lover, they are my weakness… So we will see if I end up not being able to go through doors or what.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Getting closer


Hello everyone!!

It’s been a while, I know… That’s what you get when you work, you are busy and neglect some other stuff (yeah, you are my stuff now XD). Whatever. I’m writing today because I’ve come up with some evil plan, which is to print some books and try to go to some book stores and see if they pity me enough to allow me to leave some copies in there. I will tell you how that goes as soon as I try it. LOL.

Also I want to thank those October buyers that bought my book. THANKS! They maybe are just 2 people, buy hey! They are 2 AWESOME people!

And well, sometime I wonder if someone ever reads in here, as I’m sure this is the complete opposite of popular (for now) but if someone does, know that I’m little by little working on A-Gen 2 and that if I’m not working on that, I’m looking for ways to bring the first book to more readers. If anyone has suggestions or anything to say, don’t be shy, I haven’t eaten anyone (that I know ;D).

Warm hugs to keep the cold weather away!


A-Gen gets paperback edition!



Yay! I’m so excited! Finally A-Gen got a paperback edition!

I have to say the book looks really neat and I’m glad because it took me a while to edit everything. Printing is a nightmare, really!

For those that like more the traditional way, now you can choose the paperback edition. Or maybe those who liked the digital version, want to have a copy too, who knows 😉 Also I have to thank that reader that wrote the first review on Amazon. THANKS! I wish more people told me what they think about the book but well, I’m happy anyways, hehe.

I’m also writing and editing A-Gen 2 right now. I have the story planed and I think it will surprise you all, or I hope so. I just told one person about it and I think he wasn’t expecting what I had on mind. He kind of urges me into writing. At least I have a loyal fan. LOL.

If you liked A-Gen, please don’t forget to share the information! 😀